Dearest Freshmen,

Dear fresher,

1) You are fresh; don't contaminate your destiny in the university.

2) Bad boys and girls are around, they also smile be wise to observe everyone you meet.

3) You are fresh; make friends with people who are wise and fear the lord.

4)The driving force to success is discipline, hard work and determination.

5) MATRICULATION is not the guarantee that you will GRADUATE

6) Start off your day on campus with Jesus Christ, your best companion. Nobody neglects him and will have a smooth journey on campus and
anywhere else

7) You are new; make a wise choice. by attempting the new life offered to you in Christ.

8) The university is a land where you learn lessons, they could be positive (that's good) or negative (that's worse).

Please look for Bible based fellowships on campus, that's what can keep the WOLVES away!

God Bless You

Alebiosu Bolade

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