Examinations are administered on people majorly students to test their level of understanding of the subject matter, this is done in order to put students to check and also ascertain whether the students needs to re-sit the exam, repeat the course, or move on to the next stage.
What then is exam fever? Fever which is known to be an abnormally high body temperature or state of nervous excitement, but fever grows into sickness, so exam fever could be said to be a sickness or a feeling of sickness when you have an exam upfront, this sickness could be some weeks to the exam, or some days to the exam or even on the exam day. I recently escorted a sick friend to the university health centre annex (Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye), and long queue of patients was surprising, then i thought to myself what is happening here is this a sickness fiesta, then it dawned on me, exams are around the corner, exam fever is in the air. What then causes exam fever? This question wants to make me feel like a Medical student of which I am not, but i would not be in a haste to say LACK OF PREPARATION (sickness and preparation where do they meet?). Many students play away the semester, stab lectures, ignore assignments, and get into class late for test etc. But upon seeing pasted exam time table they all want to turn a new leave, they want to cover all that has been taught by their lecturers in 3months or more in 3 nights (am not saying this is not possible) but by so doing they start overworking the body, not feeding properly when supposed to (food i mean), not sleeping as at when due, but when nature calls! (hmmmmmmn!). It won't be nice because you have hardly read what you ought to and at this time when this feverish feeling starts trekking in, at this point you need to read and also take good care of your body. Then sickness hits you very hard. Then we can say this exam fever understanding what exam fever is! Would one say someone who is diagnosed of malaria is exhibiting exam fever? The general knowledge we all have about exam fever is that once a person is sick during or towards exam period, it is exam fever, but if this is true then the malaria case is exam fever.
Preventing exam fever; the sentence prevention is better than cure has become a cliché, but it's still valid.
*First; take all lectures serious as if there would be a test after the class even if there might not be any, start preparing for exams from the beginning of the semester (this might be too late now, but make use of it some other time.
-if the above has been done on time, there won't be pandemonium when exam time comes.
*second; is the aspect of your health as exam period approaches eat good and light food so as to enable you read properly, give your body rest as at when due, take time off too (jack needs to rest). Also make sure your room is well netted to prevent influx of mosquito, or you purchase an insecticide or better still sleep under a mosquito net. Let us all try to inculcate these good habits of preparing before exam comes, because it's a body that is in perfect state of health that writes an exam with all pleasure.
NB: everything written here is based on personal convictions and exam fever experience of the writer.

Alebiosu Omobolade.

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