Hold On!

A post for students who feel their dreams are far gone with the winds after checking their last semester or session results. Committing suicide might be the least of your options, but all the excitements about those aspirations are going down the drain by the minute, cos it is 'looking' like all hope is lost.

Hold on,

Don't give up yet, it's not over until you win, you are only a failure when you fail and you let it hold you down, but when you fail and stand up to it and take it as challenge to get better, it's called failing forward with that you are not a failure and you only become a better person.

Hold on,

Yesterday could be your worst, today can still be your best. Why not study harder than you did yesterday and pray better than you did last night.


Worrying over yesterday's downfall would not solve any issue but rather waste your time. Why not productively invest in your time today instead of whiling away time on frivolous activities.

Just a second,

Get all you can and 'CAN' all you get, never take each passing day with levity, it is an opportunity to be a better person and fulfill your dreams.

We hope this blog post gave you a glimmer of hope, do visit us some other times.

Don't loose hope,

'Bolade Alebiosu

Image credit: lovethispic.com

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